
In today’s busy life, we hardly get time for entertainment. Amongst our busy life we have those little moments of joy that we capture and cherish all our life. Selecting one perfect selfie is difficult because every selfie is perfect in itself. Every selfie has a special moment frozen in it.

Sometimes great moments of our lives are captured by our loved ones, like the one below
For the first time I was on stage hosting a special event on “World Cerebral Palsi Day”. That day it didn’t hurt to tell the world that I am a Cerebral Palsi person. It was a moment of pride to tell people, how I have accepted Cerebral Palsi and it no longer affects my daily life. Today I own a recruitment company. It really felt nice to tell parents of other kids affected by the same that, “If I can do it, Your kids can do it too”.

The second great moment of my life was when I ran a Marathon for the first time.
This was a special Marathon for people affected with Cerebral Palsi and other physical disabilities. There was no competition here, but a unique message for the world out there. I will run many more Marathons, however this one will always remain the closest to my heart.

Those were the two great moments of my life, captured and frozen forever πŸ™‚ Life is made up of many small joys and moments spent with our loved ones. #EnjoyMore

When I met the great Master Chef Vikas Khanna

When we won a gift hamper at IndiBlogger meet up

When I wore Mom’s saree

Alex and me at WordCamp Mumbai

When we were talkining about my school days and how I looked in 2 chotis πŸ™‚

Just chilling on a Sunday noon

And that’s a lollipop selfie

Some of my best selfies #perfectselfie

This picture makes me feel like the Princess of Mysore Palace πŸ™‚

A Picture don’t really need words to describe itself. It can express a thousands of emotions all at once. Always have your phone with you because you never know when where how you will need to click a perfect selfie moment πŸ™‚

Go Natural

​Top 20 Natural Painkillers :

Ginger (add to 1-2 teaspoons daily to diet for general muscle pain)

Cloves (chew gently for toothache / gum inflammation)

Apple Cider Vinegar (1tspn mixed with water before meals for heartburn)

Garlic (made into a special oil for earache)

Cherries (joint pain, headaches – 1 bowl per day)

Oily fish (Salmon, tuna, sardines, trout, mackerel, herring – intestinal inflammation – 18oz per week)

Yogurt (PMS – 2 cups per day)

Turmeric (chronic pain – 1/4 teaspoon per day)

Oats (endometrial pain – they are gluten free)

Salt (hot, salty foot baths for ingrown toenails – 1tsp per cup of water – 20 mins twice daily)

Pineapple (stomach bloating, gas – 1 cup of fresh pineapple juice)

Peppermint (add a few drops of the essential oil to bath for sore muscles)

Grapes (back pain – 1 heaping cup per day)

Water (general injury pain, helps wash away the pain-triggering histamine – 8 x 8 ounce glasses per day)

Horseradish (sinus pain – 1 teaspoon twice daily)

Blueberries (bladder / urinary tract infections – 1 cup daily)

Raw Honey (topical application 4 times daily for cold sores / canker sores) 
Flax (breast pain – 3 tablespoons daily – must be grounded or seeds will pass right through!)

Coffee (migraines – caffeine stimulates the stomach to absorb pain meds better)

Tomato Juice (leg cramps – tomato juice is rich in potassium – 10oz daily)

Eat Healthy Stay Healthy

Here are a few interesting facts about Bananas.

Bananas contain three natural sugars – sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber. A Banana gives an instant, sustained and substantial boost of energy.

Research has proven that just two Bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90-minutes workout. No wonder the Banana is the number one fruit amongst the world’s leading athletes.

But energy isn’t the only way a Banana can help us stay fit. It can also help overcome or prevent a substantial number of illnesses and conditions, making it a must to add to our daily diet.

Depression – According to a recent survey undertaken by MIND amongst people suffering from depression, many felt much better after eating a Banana. This is because Bananas contain tryptophan, a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin, known to relax you, improve your mood and generally make you feel happier.

Premenstrual Syndrome – Bananas contain vitamin B6 that regulates the blood glucose levels, which in turn helps in maintaining your mood.

Anemia – High in iron, Bananas can stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood, thus helps in cases of anemia.

Blood Pressure – This unique tropical fruit is extremely high in potassium yet low in salt, making it perfect to beat blood pressure, so much so that the US Food and Drug Administration has just allowed the Banana industry to make official claims for the fruit’s ability to reduce the risk of blood pressure and stroke.

Brain Power – 200 students at a Twickenham (Middlesex) school (England) were helped through their exams by eating Bananas at breakfast and lunch in a bid to boost their brain power. Research has shown that the potassium-packed fruit can assist learning by making pupils more alert.

Constipation – High in fiber, including Bananas in the diet can help restore normal bowel action, helping to overcome the problem without resorting to laxatives.

Hangovers – One of the quickest ways of curing a hangover is to make a Banana milkshake, sweetened with honey. The Banana calms the stomach and, with the help of the honey it builds up depleted blood sugar levels, while the milk soothes and re-hydrates your system.

Heartburn – Bananas have a natural antacid effect on the body, so if you suffer from heartburn, try eating a Banana for soothing relief.

Morning Sickness – Snacking on Bananas between meals helps to keep blood sugar levels up and avoid morning sickness.

Insect Bites – Before reaching for the insect bite cream, try rubbing the affected area with the inside of a Banana skin. Many people find it amazingly successful at reducing swelling and irritation.

Nerves – Bananas are high in vitamin B that calms the nervous system..

Overweight and at work – Studies at the Institute of Psychology in Austria found pressure at work leads to gorging on comfort food like chocolate and chips. Looking at 5,000 hospital patients, researchers found the most obese were more likely to be in high-pressure jobs. The report concluded that, to avoid panic-induced food cravings, we need to control our blood sugar levels by snacking on high carbohydrate foods every two hours.

Ulcers – The Banana is used as the dietary food against intestinal disorders because of its soft texture and smoothness. It is the only raw fruit that can be eaten without distress in over-chroniclercases. It also neutralizes over-acidity and reduces irritation by coating the lining of the stomach.

Temperature Control – Bananas are seen as a ‘cooling’ fruit that can lower both the physical and emotional temperature of expectant mothers. In Thailand, for example, pregnant women eat Bananas to ensure their baby is born with a cool temperature.

So, a banana really is a natural remedy for many illnesses. When you compare it to an Apple, it has FOUR TIMES the protein, TWICE the carbohydrate, THREE TIMES the phosphorus, FIVE TIMES the vitamin A and iron, and TWICE the other vitamins and minerals.. It is also rich in potassium and is one of the best value foods around So may be its time to change that well-known phrase so that we say, ‘A BANANA a day keeps the doctor away!’

Bananas must be the reason monkeys are so happy all the time πŸ˜›

Go Natural

Today we have medicines for everything. Right from a simple headache to a major health issue. We have become so addicted to pills that we tend to have pain killers very often. We have forgot natural remedies used by our ancestors. These home remedies are very useful and also saves us ftrom being slaves to these pills.

Today I’m come with some interesting home remedies for Back pain

β€’ Mix salt in Ginger juice and massage your back.

β€’ Massage back with hot olive oil (always use hot oil for massage, it is very effective)

β€’ Clove oil massage

β€’ Β½ teaspoon Ajwain and Β½ teaspoon Jaggery to be chewed well twice a day. If back pain is very severe then increase the quantity to 1 teaspoon each.


Alumni 2016


24th July 2016 – this was the day I waited for the most. And why shouldn’t I ? After all it was our alumni day. The department had organized everything so well. Right from welcoming us to seeing us off πŸ™‚

As soon as I got out of the elevator I got a warm welcome from Vinay Sir, who was all set to give me a warm hug πŸ™‚ He walked us to the auditoriam. I never knew a single person there except for my best friend Brinda and Vidya Ma’am. Though people around were strangers, the place made me feel at home. The programme was arranged in room no. 35, the same class where I started my degree college journey. I remembered the 1st day 1st lecture and I was late as usual πŸ™‚ it was Vidya Ma’am’s lecture. 2nd lecture was Dongare Sir’s lecture, I can never forget that lecture because my phone rang in between the lecture and Sir thought I was playing a prank on him so he confiscated my phone. Actually it was no prank my brother had messaged me to say eat something from the canteen as I had forgotten my tiffen at home. My mistake was just that I forgot to put my phone on silent. I was so timid by nature that I couldn’t even imagine of playing pranks on anyone and especially on professors ? Hehe God save me πŸ™‚

About Vidya Ma’am I must say she’s a wonderful lady. She’s calm and patient. She can handle any situation with calmness. Anyone who sees her will forget all his stress. You get so much of positive vibes from her. She has a calm look with a sweet smile; truly BEAUTIFUL and GORGEOUS. πŸ™‚

Anyways coming back to the alumni, it was selfie time. Brinda and I took so many selfies together. About Brinda I don’t know what all to say because if I start writing about us the blog will never end. πŸ™‚ She’s my best of best bestest friend. I know bestest is no word but our friendship too is unique. Right from 11th std. to 15th std. we were in the same class, same bench, we even bunked lectures together. I remember one of the professors saying “puri class ek taraf aur ye dono ladki log ek taraf”. We even went to the washroom together hehe. After college also we used to spend hours chatting on the phone and everyone wondered what we had so much to talk about after spending the whole day together in college. Well I am not going to share what we had to talk about πŸ™‚ Before every exam we spent half a day discussing on what to study. We have maintained our friendship even now πŸ™‚

Well coming back to the alumni, the ceremony started with a short speech by our Principal Ma’am Ancy Jose. Later as every batch came forward to introduce themselves ; it was really amazing to see Vinay Sir remember so many incidents about each one of us.

Vinay Sir is a marvellous human being. He really makes every lecture lively. He is never limited to that boring classroom teachings and books. There is so many things beyond studies we learnt from him. Relationships, Life, Friendship etc etc.. he is someone with whom you can talk anything even the most filthiest stuffs πŸ™‚

Only five people from our batch had attended the ceremony. Meghna, Nikita, Suchita, and of course Brinda and me. πŸ™‚

When Upasana enacted Vinay Sir, I remembered Jyoti enacting him during our free time to entertain us. πŸ™‚

Our juniors did a wonderful job. Hitanshi Sharma and Sheela Mehta hosted the entire evernt for us. And must say they both were very entertaining. Hitanshi performed a solo dance for us. Prachi Salunke, Unma Jagodia and Kajal Tiwari sang a lovely group song for us. On demand Vaidehi sang a solo song for us. She really has a gifted voice. We can’t thank these people enough. They put life into the whole event. God bless all of them πŸ™‚
It was nice to see some of the ex students with their kids πŸ™‚

Before leaving once I went to the dept. Room no. 41 πŸ™‚ As soon as I entered the room so many memories came running. It was like living life in a flashback mode. I remembered all the masti and dramas we did πŸ™‚ This alumni really got back the best years of my life.

To conclude I just have one thing to say “NK COLLEGE PSYCHOLOGY DEPARTMENT ROCKS” πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

#OuakerBowl Experience

I was very excited about the recent IndiMeet. The theme for this meet was #QuakerBowl sponsored by PepsiCo to promote the importance of Quaker Oats. No matter whatever the theme is for the meet ups the reason to attend these meet ups is to meet new people. Every time I go to such events I get to know interesting things. Knowledge is one aspect about IndiMeet, the best part is the unforgettable memories you get from these meet ups.

It was a beautiful Sunday morning on the 10th April ’16. I woke up all excited. Normally on Sundays I wake-up late however that day i woke up early, got ready posted a status on FB “all set for Indiblogger meet at JW Marriott Hotel”. One more reason why I was excited about this meet was that it was at JW Marriott. Being a recruiter I used to recruit for Shalimar Hotel and some candidates used to ask me if I had any openings for JW Marriott ? And I in return asked them “kyun Shalimar me kya problem hai? They said “nai koi problem nai hai lekin JW Marriott mast hotel hai”. So I thought “great… Today let’s see what so special about JW Marriott”.

We reached an hour early (we includes Alex – my brother and me). It was a nice hotel, nice place to hang around. It took us 15minutes to find the Ball Room. Once we reached the Ball Room, there were a couple of people already waiting for the registration. I sat there at the registration desk for some time. As people were entering they first looked around if they knew anybody. They hugged the ones they knew and just introduced themselves to the ones they didn’t. I just knew 3 to 4 people there. My brother’s friend Aditya who always is there in almost all events. He got a cup of coffee for me. It was such a luxury to drink coffee at JW Marriott πŸ™‚

The auditorium opened at around 11.00 am, we all went in. Before every event starts Anup makes us do the usual exercise ‘stand and do hurrrrrrrr hurrrrrrrr’. I knew there was a celebrity Chef gonna come but wasn’t really that excited about it. However, when I saw Vikas Khanna I got all excited. My first reaction was ‘WOW’ πŸ™‚ He looked good, well maintained, and girls going crazy about him. More than the talk we girls were interested in looking at him and taking selfies with him πŸ˜› Though he was a celeb he was a nice person, down to earth. Above all he knew how to keep you awake during a talk. He was fun. He got off stage and involved himself with us. He stood amongst us and told us about the importance of Oats.



It was like a live Master Chef show where we had small contests like ‘drink the soup and guess the ingredients’, ‘cook something out of the given ingredients’. There was an interactive session where he asked questions and we had to answer. Alex answered a question and won a Quaker Oats hamper.


Alex was equally fun being with. He did live tweets regarding the event. He was nothing less than a celeb. Girls were coming and
talking to him. One girl even said that she finds him interesting and I was just sitting and observing how likeable he was. When I went to the washroom I found girls talking about him. I was feeling proud, he is my brother πŸ™‚

We had the usual photograph session.

Then came the lunch time. Whether you like the event or not, you will definitely love the food. If you ask me, food was yum but desert was more yummy.

Inspired by Vikas Khanna I have decided to learn cooking now. My Mumma even tried a couple of recipes from the recipe book given to us at the end of the event. Now we eat only Oat items in breakfast πŸ™‚

To conclude, I would say it was a lovely event full of fun and nutritious talk. As I have said earlier we get to know a lot of valuable information in these meet ups along with long lasting memories to cherish. For me I get to spend a quality time with my brother which we don’t get quite often at home due to our busy schedules.

Looking forward to more such events πŸ™‚

Happy Hours :)

Does happy hours exist ? Is there a particular hour in the whole day when you think you will be only happy?

Yes…. Happy Hours exist. All it needs is to understand your definition of happiness. We all have our own definition of happiness. Whatever is your definition of happiness, ultimately that becomes your #HappyHour.

Happiness for me is Life. Life is the longest happy hour. There is nothing greater than life. When a life comes into this world, we celebrate; we celebrate that day every year as birthdays. When someone dies we moan. Everything else is because of Life. Have you ever thought, what would you achieve or lose if you were not alive ? So for me happiness is Life; #myhappyhour.

It’s not like I have a royal life that’s why I am talking great about life, it’s just that I value life. No matter whatever you achieve in life, you will not really be happy unless and until you value and understand how blessed you are by being alive.

My life is simple but beautiful. You may even call it routine yet it’s lovely. Every morning I wake up and excitedly think of what all I have to do at work. My office is like my second home for me. Once I reach office I totally belong only to my work. It’s just me and my work. I am never in a hurry to leave from office so my Mumma calls me everyday at 6.00 pm to remind me that I need to come home πŸ™‚ my brother even gave me a table clock so that I see the time and leave from office on time. Anyways that was about my office, when I come back home my kids wait for me in the compound and every single day give me a warm welcome. When I see their smiling faces I just forget about work stress if any. I have not given birth to them still they are my kids. As soon as I reach home they tell me what they did in school. If they win a prize they show it to me first. More than their own parents they share all their secrets with me. Sometimes even I get involved in their pranks and it’s fun. If they do something wrong I scold them and they very positively accept their mistakes. I am like a role model for them, whatever I do/say is always right according to them. They look up to me for everything. On weekends I play with them and they bring back my childhood memories. Every evening we decide on which colour clothes should be worn and we all wear the same πŸ™‚ ; since blue is my favourite colour you will find them wearing blue on the days we are not able to meet and decide the colour. We celebrate every festival together. On my birthdays more than me they are excited. They make cards and make my day special.

Weekends are family days. Mumma gossips about all the evil aunties πŸ™‚ ; those silly fights and arguments with my brother. Sometimes my brother takes me to events with him and we enjoy a lot together. Some weekends I go out with the kids and friends and we have a blast.

I’ve had my share of struggle in terms of health and career. I am sure this is not all; there would be more struggles in future but I am prepared for it. Nothing really would stop me from loving my life. I am blessed with a lovely family, caring friends, sweet kids and of course one khadus Gabbar Boss πŸ™‚

So that’s My Life My Happy Hour πŸ™‚


We come across so many different people in our lives. Some we like, some we love, some we hate; some stay in our lives for a e long time or forever, some stay in our lives for a short period of time. We wish some people to be with us always but unfortunately due to some reasons they don’t be with us. Such people always live in our hearts. We at times hate the sight of some people yet we need to deal with them. These all are #coloursoflife

That was about our routine life. In our busy life we at times come across some incidents/people which/who leave behind an unforgettable mark on our lives.

Recently I’ve met one such person at #BNLF and his name is Raghava. Raghava is truly #madeofgreat. I met him just once n was with him only for few hours. We might never meet again but he’s definitely left behind an unforgettable impression. This man is blind and it is really amazing the way he lives his life. He is full of life. I don’t know much about him but whatever little I know has made me respect him. ‘Respect’ is a small word for him. There are not enough words in the dictionary to describe him.

He was not born blind he lost his eyesight later, don’t know when exactly. If a person is blind from birth it really doesn’t affect him much mentally, but when a person goes blind all of a sudden it takes a lot of courage to accept and live a normal life again. Raghava has made that effort and stood up strong against his own disability.

At the lunch table I told him I am a recruiter and he happily said he was a head hunter but never found head nor hunting πŸ™‚ He had no regrets for his failure instead he laughed over it. We all should learn to be like him

He being a blind, fights for the  rights of all handicp people. Hats off. Now that’s just marvellous. He travelled from Hyderabad to Mumbai alone just to  attend BNLF. I don’t know what really motivates him but he is a true inspiration for all of us.

At the time of departure he told me that I am a strong lady πŸ™‚ I believe he is stronger than me. That’s why I call him MADEOFGREAT  πŸ™‚

You Disappointed Me

Hello all you gorgeous readers here I am to review another Garnier product.

In my last Garnier blog I was excited to tell you guys how lovely was the fall fight range, but this time Garnier has disappointed me.

I am talking about the “Goodbye Damage” range of Garnier.

I love Garnier range of shampoos but the goodbye damage range makes me wonder ‘does goodbye actually mean a goodbye to damage ?’

Product description : Just like all other Garnier shampoos this one too comes in an opaque and flip cap open bottle; orange in colour. The shampoo is white in colour and has a runny consistency.

Ingredients : Water, Sodium Laureth Sulphate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Sodium Lauryl Sulphate, Glycol Distearate, Sodium Chloride, Amodimethicone, Guar Hydroxypropyltrimonium Chloride, Niancinamide, Sugarcane Extract, Sodium Benzoate, Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein PG-Propyl Silanetriol, Sodium Hydroxide, PPG-5-Ceteth-20, Trideceth-6, Salicylic Acid, Limonene, Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract, Linalool, Benzyl Salicylate, Benzyl Alcohol, Apple Fruit Extract, Carbomer, Pyridoxine HCI, Citric Acid, Cetrimonium Chloride, Butylphenyl Methylpropional, Lemon Peel Extract, Hexyl Cinnamal, Phyllanthus Emblica Fruit Extract, Fragrance.

My view about this product : Hmmmmmmmmmmmm what can I say! There’s nothing good about this product. It claims to strengthen your hair 3 times more from root to tip. Sad enough it doesn’t at all live up to its claims. Moreover you end up with more damage to your hair.

It doesn’t lather that well and it gives you a sticky feel after wash. It makes the hair dull and dry that breaks easily.

The only good thing is the fragrance. It has a lovely fragrance that stays onΒ  the entire day.

So ladies do not fall for its cute packaging because the cute looking shampoo wouldn’t make your hair look cute in return.

I will give this product just 1/5 starΒ  for its lovely fragrance.

That’s all for now. Do wait for my next blog I am going to introduce you to one of my newest love and I am sure you guys too will love it.

Till then stay healthy and be smart before you fall for cute products. Cya πŸ™‚