Hello everyone,
Today I am here to share some secrets.. 🙂 we all love knowing secrets, don’t we??
Well, I guess we ladies don’t really need any reasons to recharge our hair, as we love our hair more than anything else 😀
Jokes apart, we should recharge our hair, rather I must say its extremely important to keep your hair clean and healthy lookiing
What does ‘Recharge Your Hair’ means?
Basically it just means giving life back to your dull and damaged hair. No one is born with damaged hair, it is only after a certain age, our hair gets damaged. This damage could be due to many different reasons like environmental factors, health issues, allergies etc… At such points of life, it becomes important to take care of your hair.
That’s where the sentence ‘Recharge Your Hair Recharge Your Life’ comes into existence..
How can you recharge your hair?
Use a shampoo that suits your hair type. Other than the routine shampoo conditioning using home made hair packs once a week or every 10 or 15 days can help your hair look and feel healthy to a great extent. Oiling your hair overnight before washing it.
Why do we need to recharge our hair to recharge our lives?
We all love beautiful thick long hair, don’t we..? Besides this there are some good enough reasons for recharging our hair. Read them bellow.
1) Your beauty is incomplete without healthy beautiful hair. How much ever good looking you may be, your damaged hair brings you down. On the contrary, if your not gifted with good looks, your beautiful hair covers up for your bad looks.
2) beautiful hair gives a boost to your self confidence. If you have damaged weak hair, you will hesitate going to social events or anywhere, due to the fear of being teased for your falling hair. On the contrary you receive a lot of compliments for your beautiful hair, which in turn increases your confidence.
3) Dandruff is one of the causes of dull damaged hair. In this case it becomes extremely important to recharge your hair to get rid of dandruff, as it can lead to other problems like lice.
4) itchy scalp is another problem of dry scal or having scalp dandruff. Sometimes the itching is so severe that one can’t resist scratching his/her head even in public places. This can give you a bad image among your friends and colleagues. To avoid such a situation recharge your hair recharge your life.
5) Acne is another major cause due to dull damaged hair. Many a times we wonder what’s the cause of pimples inspite of all the acne treatments creams and face washes. Well those never ending acne sometimes could be due to dandruff. Our hair is one of the areas where dirt accumulates faster than your skin. When these hair fall on your face frequently, it leads to acne. Perhaps even scalp acne. Hence it is important to keep your hair clean and healthy (dandruff free)
6) When you have strong beautiful hair you can try any hairstyle 🙂
7) this is a stupid childish reason but still I want to mention it. Girls like playing with hair especially they like fiddling with their bf/husband’s hair. So guys this ones for you recharge your hair to keep them healthy and avoid a situation where a gf/wife finds your breaking hair all in her hands.
8) Breaking hair is always embarassing. Seeing your hair strands on the floor, comb, pillow, etc not only annoys you, but also gives you a sense that your getting bald. So to avoid this stress recharge your hair..
9) And last but not the least, recharge your hair simply because you love your hair 🙂
Ultimately, recharging your hair would obviously influence your life positively..
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