Thought for the day

No matter how big mistake you have made it is always better to confess the truth to your loved ones. If the person is matured enough, he/she will appreciate the effort you took to speak the truth because not everyone have the guts to confess the truth. And even if the person doesn’t forgive you, at least you feel good from within after speaking the truth.

Finally if the person really cares for you then sooner or later he/she will understand. All you need is to give them time. Time has the power to heal everything.

I Love Garnier

Hello everyone,

Here I come with an exciting product by Garnier. Well Garnier is well known for its wide range of products and most of us just love them, don’t we ? 🙂

If you talk about me , l love Garnier range of shampoos. I keep switching from one to the other range of Garnier shampoos. And to be honest all of them give me almost the same results, its just that fragrance keep changing 😀

Today I am going to review the Garnier fructis fall fight fortifying range of shampoo.

Well, hair fall is one such problem that almost every 2nd woman is suffering from. Some of us just let it be, while some try many different products and treatments; in the course they end up having severe hair fall. Its OK if you just let it be but if the problem is severe you can always consult a professional. Frankly speaking there is no such shampoo that will give you 100% relief from hair fall but some shampoos can help you control the problem to an extent; Garnier fructis fall fight fortifying shampoo is one of them.


Product description and claims : it comes in an opaque green coloured bottle with a flip cap. The shampoo is creamy white in colour. It has a perfect consistency, not too thick not too runny. It has a mild fragrance which stays for some while after wash. It doesn’t lather easily so a large quantity is required.

What it claims? It claims to strengthen your hair fibres from within and protect your hair from breakage.

Ingredients :


Active fruit concentrate
Fructose + glucose, vitamins B3 + B6 nourishes hairs from the roots
AHAs strengthen the hair fibre.

My Take on this : hmmmm yes it does stands up to its claims to an extent. Now, to an extent I mean is , it doesn’t give 100% relief from hair fall but to a great extent it controls the problem. May be by regular use it might give you 100% relief but do not assure you on this because I don’t stick to the same range for long. I love all range of Garnier shampoos so alternatively use all of them.

Besides it doesn’t leave your hair dry and dull looking. It makes your hair smooth soft and healthy looking. It cleans your scalp and hair thoroughly maintaining the PH balance.

The only thing you might not like about it is that it contains SLS.

It has all the nice qualities that a good shampoo must have so I give it 5/5 stars

So now you know why ‘I Love Garnier’. As Garnier always say ‘Take Care’ until my next post Cya 🙂

Think Twice Be Wise..!

Freedom comes with Responsibility. (Don’t misuse your freedom; if you do you might lose someone’s trust.)

Love comes with Respect. (Unless you respect the person you love don’t expect a good relationship with others.)

Loyalty comes with commitment. (Commit yourself completely to someone before expecting loyalty from them.)

Maturity comes with experience. (Don’t fear doing new things; either you will fail or you will succeed; either ways you would be the winner because you may learn a very good lesson for life or you might be surprised by discovering your hidden abilities)

Go Natural

Hello everyone,

Wishing you all happy 68th independence day.

In my last product review I had told you that I would be  telling you about the best product, I’ve come across up till now. First of all sorry to keep you guys waiting for so long.

You guys must be aware about the goodness of the age old sandalwood. Sandalwood used in combination of ayurvedic Eladi oils can do wonders. I know one such product made out of this combination of sandalwood and Eladi oils.

Breaking the suspense now; I am talking about Medimix Sandalwood. Yes today I am going to review Medimix Sandalwood.

Product Description :-

This luxurious soap bar is orange in colour. Its fragrance, l kinda find it weird but nothing that to worry about; in comparison of its benefits. It lathers pretty well and easily washable.

Product claims :-

It claims to give you a blemish free glowing skin. It is also effective on dark spots and pigmentation, leaving you with a clear skin.

Ingredients :-
Eladi Oil Constituents. Eladi Oil content in bathing bar is 0.2% in soap base made with Sandal oil, perfume and approved color.
Sanskrit Name:
1. Kushthah 0.915%
2. Tvak, Chocham 0.915%
3. Sthulailaa, Bhadrilaa 0.44%
4. Priyangu, Phalini 0.44%
5. Jataamaamsi 0.44%
6. Vaalakkam, Hriberam 0.44%
7. Saathi, Karchurah 0.44%
8. Tamalapatram 0.44%
9. Thagarah 0.44%
10. Jaali, Jaatiphalah 0.44%
11. Devadaaru 0.44%
12. Haridra, Varavamini 0.44%
13. Salah, Ashvakamah 0.44%
14. Naagapushpah 0.44%
15. Sallaki 0.44%
16. Gugguluh 0.44%
17. Ela 0.44%
18. Mayurashikha 0.44%
19. Satbalan 0.44%
20. Bolah, Rasagandha 0.44%
21. Aguruh 0.44%
22. Saralah 0.44%
23. Chandaa 0.44%
24. Khadirah 0.44%
25. Punnaagah 0.44%
26. Naarikelah 88.05%

TFM: 40%

Net Weight:
125 grams.

My final verdict :-

Aahmmm short of words to describe the goodness of this product. Definitely it stands up to all its claims. And much to your surprise, it goes beyond its claims. If you are tired of all those expensive treatments and long parlour sessions, just for the sake of getting rid of those annoying patches and spots on your skin; and yet haven’t got rid of it; go natural this time. Medimix sandalwood is one such product which is specially formulated to give you a clear skin. Within weeks you will see visible changes in your skin. Your skin will get clearer with every use.

Use this soap twice a day. Don’t use any other product simultaneously, this soap alone can do wonders to your skin. No product works overnight so you gotta be patient and let the product work at its space. You should wash your face too with this soap twice instead of opting for a separate face wash. Within a month you will find a clear, bright and glowing skin. If you suffer from a really bad skin with frequent breakouts and blemish marks then mark my words ‘ this is THE BEST product for you’. Ten people will give you 100 different remedies , but you gotta be wise and choose the best for your skin. Whatever you choose make sure you stick to one product. Don’t switch from product to product because that would harm your skin more.

Medimix sandalwood claims that it is suitable for all skin types including the most sensitive skin; which is true; anyone can use this product without having second thoughts on it. This product tends to make your skin dry in winters, but nothing that a moisturiser or body lotion can’t help. So be rest assured you can rely on this product all 365 days. You also notice a more even-toned skin without much effort. You even stop getting frequent breakout. You might get rare breakouts but it clears within a day or so.

That’s all for now. Do try this product and write to me about your experience. Will cya soon with some other product. Until then stay gorgeous and let that curve be on your face 🙂

My Journey

Hi guys,

Here I am today, not to review any product but to share my life journey with all of you with the hope that it may inspire and encourage other people like me.

I was born normal. It was at the age of 5 that I started falling very often and eventually I completely stopped walking. Till almost 10 years after this no one could diagnose what exactly was the problem. My mom wasn’t that literate to understand medical terms and so she kept taking me to different doctors. Tried ‘n’ number of treatments. But nothing really helped. One of the doctors even told my mom that I was mentally challenged and I won’t be able to study in a normal school. My mom said my daughter from no angle looks mentally challenged. My mom decided to continue my studies in a normal school. And and and surprisingly I not only had a normal school life like others but also was doing well academically. As years passed my brother Alex found out that I was actually suffering from ‘Cerebral Palsy’.

After I completed my 10th my bro got me admission in a nearby good college. Simultaneously my bro was finding ways to get me treated. With the reference of Priya Duth my bro took me to the Spastics Society of India. We met a physiotherapist there who suggested me some simple exercises and even referred me to an orthopedist. He told that I can’t be completely alright and walk normal again. But he can make me better and help me by making my legs more straight. For this l had to undergo various surgeries. At that time I even suffered a major intestine blockage. My survival through this was a real time miracle. The best part was these things never affected my studies; simultaneously I was living a fun college life. I did all the pranks, masti, drama , celebrated all kinds of days in college. I was very fussy about doing my exercises hehe. I was more interested in my studies. And I am so proud that I never ever got a single KT in my entire college life 🙂

Then came the day when I completed my graduation. I did my majors in psychology. I always wanted to be a special educator. So after graduation I visited few colleges and universities but unfortunately, since I couldn’t travel much I had to drop the idea of doing MA in psychology 🙁

God knows how and when I got the idea of doing MBA in HR. Yes I completed my MBA in HR.

Completing my studies was never a big deal for me. The actual challenge was to get a job. Being a physically challenged person, the very first impression people had, “how will you manage job”. Many a times these little things bothered me a lot but then I have a lovely family who always supported me in all my decisions. Their love and care gave me the courage to forget such incidents and get going in life.

Then came the day, when I was very happy because after so many rejections in interviews I gave the best interview of my life. I got selected for the job. My first ever job. It was a recruitment firm. Nah it wasn’t planned to get into recruitment. In fact I never even knew which field I was getting into. My basic funda was I am going to be an HR and give people jobs. The first day at work was quiet good. But gradually when I realised working on a PC is gonna be a real hard time for me, due to my eyesight problem, I was very upset. In second all the happiness, excitement of having a job vanished.

Somehow I was self motivated just for that one person who showed so much of faith in me and gave me this job. He’s an amazing human being. His values and teachings inspired me to get going. In the begining it wasn’t easy but eventually I was able to overcome my limitations. But one thing that demotivated me the most were my colleagues. Their indifferent attitude made me feel unwanted there. Not all were like that still the attitudes of few were enough to demotivate me. One of my colleagues who had joined along with me on the same day was very supportive. She always kept telling me don’t bother these people. But don’t know what exactly made me so weak that I decided to quit. I just couldn’t stand their attitude anymore. I left that job within a month itself. I still respect that person a lot who had selected me for that job. I will always regret that I couldn’t keep up to his confidence that he had showed in me.

Anyways life has to go on, so my hunt for another job started. Within a week I got another job. This time it was a part time job though. It was a health check up centre wherein they used to set up health camps at various places. People came there for routine health checkups and based on their reports the company had various kinds of vitamin tablets. My job was to follow up with the people who came for checkup, explain them their test reports, and sell them the medicines, it was all good. In the training I was picking up all the various kinds of health problems very well. But when I told them about my vision problem they immediately told me that they can’t keep me on this job. That was the most heart breaking incident of my life. After this I had decided I don’t want to work anywhere. During this phase also it was my family who stood by me. My mom, my brother Alex never made me feel bad about not having a job.

Months passed I started living a normal life again. My self confidence was back. I started feeling that I should do something. In those days I had nothing to do so the whole day I used to just surf the net. Visited various sites. I came across product reviews. I kinda found this very interesting. I started experimenting with various products. I found the reviews were so true about those products. I told my bro even I wanted to do the same. It was then that he told me about WordPress. He created this Id ; Ela re Ela; for me and told I can start writing here. Wow l just loved this. It was so fun experimenting with products and reviewing them. This went on for months. I was very happy with this.

After few months my brother’s friend told him about a vacancy in a recruitment firm. My bro fixed up my interview with them. I had no much hopes of getting that job. After so many failures I had become negative about giving interviews. Unexpectedly that day I got selected again. Hmmmm, my first day at work, I was so nervous, more than being nervous I was scared. The same old memories were tuning at the back of my mind. I felt like the history is gonna repeat again. But luckily nothing like that happened. I got a very nice and supportive colleague who helped me a lot. I learnt everything about recruitment from her. In fact my boss even allowed me to use my own laptop which is more convenient for me. I am able to use it well now. Its not like I am become an expert or everything is visible; its just that I am learning new ways to tackle things that are not visible. Each time I learn a new method I get the ‘WOW’ feeling.. :). Its been 6 months now since I joined my current company. I am enjoying my job. And to be frank recruitment has become a part of my life now. It really feels nice that people recognise you as the person who placed them in a company. And to top it all my office environment is very nice. Its peaceful and no office politics happen here.

Yeah I know you guys might be thinking, ‘great its a happy ending’ ; no its not the end, its happy though. I am sure there is more to life. Let’s see what more surprises life has for me in the journey to my final destination. I am very content with my life now. There is nothing missing in it as such but I do have a dream in life. Nah I won’t tell you my dream now, may be some other time. For now I just wanna say along with recruitment, I will continue writing as and when I get time.

Do let me know what topics you guys want me to write about and I will try my best to come up with those topics. Until my next blog Cya. Lots of love and prayers. Stay good and don’t forget to smile 🙂

Sunsilk natural recharge on toh baal GONE

Hello everyone,

Here I am with a review of a shampoo called sunsilk natural recharge.
I know you guys are wondering if I made a mistake in the title?? Lol not at all. You will understand why I did so at the end of this blog post.

Product Description :
It comes in a white opaque bottle with light green shades on it. It has a flip cap open cover. Its packaging is so cute and tempting that it is sure to catch your attention and you will want to have it needlessly.

Coming to the shampoo part, the shampoo is white in colour with perfect consistency ; not too thick,not too runny; it has soothing light fragrance that stays in hair for a while. It lathers pretty well.

Ingredients :


My Opinion:
Very well advertised, catchy name; “SUNSILK NATURAL RECHARGE” ; cute packaging. 🙂
But but but unfortunately the product doesn’t meet up to its claims. In fact you end up having more hair fall than you would otherwise have. Its just not worth giving a try.
I would give it 1/5 stars. One star just for its advertising and packaging.
Well you can share your experience and opinions too by commenting on this blog. Will be blogging about one of the bests products I’ve come across up till now very soon. So we it for it and I am sure whoever has tried it will definitely agree with me. Cya 🙂

Good Bye Dark CIrcles

Hello hello hello,

Here I am after a long time. A big welcome to all my readers 🙂

Since i was busy all this while i couldn’t blog, but as i got some time free i thought of blogging. Well some few days back one of my friends consulted me regarding her dark circles. I suggested her some easy home remedies and guess what it actually helped her a lot. I don’t have dark circles so never used any remedies but the remedies have helped my frien so I thought of sharing it with you guys too.

If your tired of those annoying dark circles under your beautiful eyes, worry not its time to say ‘GOOD BYE’ dark circles.

Before we move to the remedies let us see the reasons for these dark circles.

Most of us blame dark circles on lack of sleep, exhaustion or staring at the computer screen for hours. But the truth goes deeper than those dark pools you’ve tried so hard to fight. Experts and studies have linked dark circles to graver problems like anemia, liver disease and dehydration.

First, lets understand how dark circles appear. We have tiny blood vessels which are like a web under the skin. But these capillaries are so fine that the red blood cells queue up to pass through; in the process some of them leak in the surrounding area. Enzymes are produced during the cleaning up session. The breaking down of these red blood cells leaves them black and blue. The reason why this is so visible is that the skin around the eyes is the thinnest.

Some common reasons for dark circles are aging, hereditary and genetic factors, nutritional deficiency, sleep deprivation and tiredness, smoking and drinking, sun exposure, hormonal changes, allergies, etc.

1) Tomato paste, 1 tspn lemon juice, a pinch of gram floor & turmeric. Mix them well and apply it gently around your eyes. Rinse it off with clean water after 15-20 minutes. Do this twice or thrice a week.

2) One common remedy is to keep slices of cucumber or potato over your eyes. You may instead even apply cucumber juice with a cotton ball. Rinse it after 15-20 minutes or may keep it overnight.
If there is eye puffiness mix tomato & cucumber juice and apply for 10-20 minutes.

3) Apply almond oil every night before going to bed and wash with cold water next morning. Do this for at least a month.

4) Apply crushed mint leaves over your eyes and keep it for 5-10 minutes. Then wipe it off gently with a clean and cold cloth.

5) You can even try the mixture of orange juice and glycerin OR
Cucumber juice and lemon juice in equal quantities and wag with water after 15-20 minutes. You can replace lemon or cucumber juice with tomato juice, whichever is convenient or available at the moment.

So those were some easy home remedies you can try to get rid of those annoying dark circles. Do try these remedies and let me know if they helped you. That’s all for now, will come up with some more interesting stuffs soon. Till then take care stay healthy and beautiful. See ya 🙂

Recharge Your Hair, Recharge Your Life

Hello everyone,

Today I am here to share some secrets.. 🙂 we all love knowing secrets, don’t we??

Well, I guess we ladies don’t really need any reasons to recharge our hair, as we love our hair more than anything else 😀

Jokes apart, we should recharge our hair, rather I must say its extremely important to keep your hair clean and healthy lookiing

What does ‘Recharge Your Hair’ means?
Basically it just means giving life back to your dull and damaged hair. No one is born with damaged hair, it is only after a certain age, our hair gets damaged. This damage could be due to many different reasons like environmental factors, health issues, allergies etc… At such points of life, it becomes important to take care of your hair.
That’s where the sentence ‘Recharge Your Hair Recharge Your Life’ comes into existence..

How can you recharge your hair?
Use a shampoo that suits your hair type. Other than the routine shampoo conditioning using home made hair packs once a week or every 10 or 15 days can help your hair look and feel healthy to a great extent. Oiling your hair overnight before washing it.

Why do we need to recharge our hair to recharge our lives?
We all love beautiful thick long hair, don’t we..? Besides this there are some good enough reasons for recharging our hair. Read them bellow.

1) Your beauty is incomplete without healthy beautiful hair. How much ever good looking you may be, your damaged hair brings you down. On the contrary, if your not gifted with good looks, your beautiful hair covers up for your bad looks.

2) beautiful hair gives a boost to your self confidence. If you have damaged weak hair, you will hesitate going to social events or anywhere, due to the fear of being teased for your falling hair. On the contrary you receive a lot of compliments for your beautiful hair, which in turn increases your confidence.

3) Dandruff is one of the causes of dull damaged hair. In this case it becomes extremely important to recharge your hair to get rid of dandruff, as it can lead to other problems like lice.

4) itchy scalp is another problem of dry scal or having scalp dandruff. Sometimes the itching is so severe that one can’t resist scratching his/her head even in public places. This can give you a bad image among your friends and colleagues. To avoid such a situation recharge your hair recharge your life.

5) Acne is another major cause due to dull damaged hair. Many a times we wonder what’s the cause of pimples inspite of all the acne treatments creams and face washes. Well those never ending acne sometimes could be due to dandruff. Our hair is one of the areas where dirt accumulates faster than your skin. When these hair fall on your face frequently, it leads to acne. Perhaps even scalp acne. Hence it is important to keep your hair clean and healthy (dandruff free)

6) When you have strong beautiful hair you can try any hairstyle 🙂

7) this is a stupid childish reason but still I want to mention it. Girls like playing with hair especially they like fiddling with their bf/husband’s hair. So guys this ones for you recharge your hair to keep them healthy and avoid a situation where a gf/wife finds your breaking hair all in her hands.

8) Breaking hair is always embarassing. Seeing your hair strands on the floor, comb, pillow, etc not only annoys you, but also gives you a sense that your getting bald. So to avoid this stress recharge your hair..

9) And last but not the least, recharge your hair simply because you love your hair 🙂

Ultimately, recharging your hair would obviously influence your life positively..


Indian General Election 2014

Hello everyone,

This post is about our Indian General Election 2014..
Do our Indian Youth even need any inspiration to vote…?

Hmmm….. 🙂 nooooooooooooooo.!!
All we need is the ease to do things. Yes, You are getting me correct; It’s now the time to show our ‘Right to Vote’.

Today we are living in the world of smartphones where we do everything with APPS. We have got every app whether it is for music, or reading books and why forget social Apps like WeChat. These apps have made our lives easy to go.

When we talk of our General Elections 2014, it is the youth of India who can make a change to the Elections this time. We alreAdy have our Social App: WeChat. It is now the responsibility of WeChat to bring ” Indian Elections ” as its Official Account. This Official Account will update the upcoming of our Indian General Elections 2014. This Official Account may help in reducing the wait which happens while standing in lines and people can cast their votes easily.

As I’d mentioned earlier ‘The only thing our youth needs today is the ease to do a thing’. The Social Apps have become a part of life for every youth of India. By bringing this feature in our Voting Procedure, we’ll completely mobilize our General Elections and make it a success through the votes caste by every youth of India.

Socializing is the best way to share your views and feelings. The only thing that catches the attention of today’s youth is ‘new ways and innovations’. (It’s like how innovative things look today) We have been voting for years in those Voting Machines by going to those voting locations. Why not introduce a mobile app as its new location to vote where everyone can be reached easily. Every youth can easily share his/her views and cast their votes directly from their mobiles.

It is the only frequency match with our today’s youth, which can only be brought with the help of social app. This could make Indian General Elections 2014 a great success in the history of Indian Elections… 🙂

Home Remedies To Relieve Tired And Swollen Feet

Hello everyone,

In today’s busy world tired and swollen feet has become a common problem. So today I thought of sharing some easy home remedies to relieve tired and swollen feet with you guys.

1) The easiest way to get relief from tired and swollen feet would be to dip them in a bucket of cold water. You can even keep your feet under a cold water tap.
2) Place your feet on a pillow and rest for about 20 minutes. Elevated feet helps in getting relief from tired and swollen feet.
3) Rubbing feet with peppermint oils and fragrant herbal oils are effective in treating swollen feet. Massaging would improve blood circulation, which in turn will reduce edema.
4) This might come to you as a surprise but rolling a tennis ball under your feet for several minutes is an effective way of exercising the feet and treating tiredness.
5) Take tow buckets of hot and ice-cold water respectively. Soak your feet first in hot water (keep it as hot as you can bare) for about 10 minutes. Thereafter, quickly switch to the bucket containing ice cold water for about 30 seconds. Repeat the process several times a day.
6) mix 2 tsp castor or jojoba oil, 3 drops of lavender essential oil, 1drop each of German chamomile essential oil and germanium essential oil in a small bowl and massage gently into your feet. Once you do this put your feet up for sometime. Wash your feet with a mild soap and apply nourishing cream on your feet.
7) Massaging with ginger essential oil is effective for reducing swelling. Apart from alleviating pain and soothing aches, it also improves blood circulation..

Hope these remedies help you guys. Do try them and let me know your experiences. That’s all for now. Stay healthy cya 🙂