Cerebral Palsy (CP) – An unseparable part of one’s life!
As a kid when I looked at other kids running, jumping, playing I used to think one day a Fairy will come and miraculously heal my legs but as I grew older I learnt about CP, that there was no cure to it. There is no ‘fight against CP’ in my dictionary. I have accepted CP as a part of my life. CP has affected me a lot physically but at the same time CP has made me strong and self motivated.
There are many out there who are not aware or have never even heard about CP, including me. It was only when I was diagnosed with CP I learnt about it. That’s when I decided to pursue psychology as my major subjects in my final year. Along with CP I learnt about so many other physical and mental disorders.
I suffer from CP but I have come a long way from being nothing to being a successful entreprenuer today. I had many rejections and failures but nothing stopped me. There were people willing to give me a chance and I took all the little chances and opportunities to move ahead.
Covid-19 has been difficult for me when it came to traveling. I have been in my house for months and always wanting to go outdoors like before. This again came with a blessing in disguise. I got the time to read my favourite Ruskin Bond books. I got time to blog again. I developed interest in cooking and especially baking.
Whether be it work or competition, I never hesitate to take it up.
Apart from running my own recruitment consultancy I have been part of many events
I hosted a fancy dress competition held in a special school on world crebral palsy day in 2017
In 2018, I participated in a special marathon to create awareness for CP
Later in 2018 itself I received an Adapt Achievement Award from the Adapt foundation, for my achievements.
In 2019, I have been part of a special Garba event held for CP kids.
Now in 2020, for the occasion of World CP Day on 6th October I am running a campaign for the awareness of CP
To conclude I’d say family plays a vital role in shaping the life of people with special needs. Family’s acceptance gives the confidence to face the world and stand strong in all situations.
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